July 15, 2007


Lena is so pretty!

July 6, 2007


On the 3rd it was a very special someone's birthday. It was Yuki's birthday... but the special person I had in my mind was TOM CRUISE!

Uncle Gideon Please Don't Say That!

I doubt I will marry
Because one you're married--I hate to state the obvious--but you're married.

Ok the reason I say this is that Mia was talking about her pregnancy while I was eating my lunch. The subject of breastmilk came up, which I just find SO freaky. Anyway, I continued eating in silence.
Then Uncle Gideon walks into the room and remarks, "Mariea, you're gonna get married soon. For sure before you become 23. You already have the face of a mom!" In another life!--Unlce Gideon, please don't say that!