May 27, 2008

James Dean

I once loved a man who looked exactly like James Dean
He was so goodlooking if you know what I mean
He broke my heart and it makes me wanna cry
But he's so goodlooking I think I'm gonna die
He is so jaw-dropping
He is so heart-stopping
It's like finding your dream house but you can't afford it
I was much better off when I ignored it
He's always on my mind
I can sense it when he lies
I look past what's doing
At what he's saying with his eyes
Do you guys think James Dean is even hot? Just wondering... I am so in love with him right now.

James Dean

May 21, 2008

What If We Had A Straight White Male President?

In the world today, it seems that the farther from tradition your point of view is, the better it must be. Left-wing is the new right-wing and to disagree is often considered either discriminatory or politically incorrect.

I walked into a bookstore on my break from work. It was quiet since there were only 3 or 4 other customers. As I browsed I noticed some tasteful nude calenders and postcards. But some were not so tasteful. All the books had titles like "How To Play It Straight--Or Not", "Coming Out Of the Closet" and "How To Love Your Gay Brother."
It would have been nice in there were any books on themes that interested me, so I asked the girl behind the counter, "Um, gay the theme of this bookstore?" She said, "Yeah, queer." I started heading toward the door and she raised her eyebrows at me as if to say, "Do you have a problem with that?" I tried to smile and not sound rude when I replied, "Well, I'm straight."
Good thing I was leaving because the other customers were giving me weird looks and it wasn't like I wanted to offend them in their gay bookstore.
As a disclaimer, I am not homophobic, and I don't look down on gay people or desire to hurt or offend them. I actually know some gay men who are nice, good people. It's up to them, and that's that. The only people who bother me are the ones that shove their sexuality in my face and get overly defensive about what really should be a private matter.
But if there had been a whole bookstore dedicated to the benefits of being heterosexual, would that be alright with the gay population? Or is it now a case of discrimination against the majority?
Another example is the Black Reel Awards, better known as the Black Awards, which began in 200o and were designed "to annually recognize and celebrate the achievements of black people in feature". That is good and well, but what if there had been a "White Awards"?
Of course, it is arguable that black people have been overall subject to more racial discrimination than whites have. But is this kind of logic promoting racial equality or making it more unachievable?

An experiment was done in Australia where a Chinese imigrant and a white Australian went to the same Chinese computer dealer with identical laptops for an identical problem. The white man paid 7 times what the Chinese man paid. The conclusion was that imigrants are in fact more likely to charge white people a higher price, just for being white. It was dubbed as reverse descrimination.

American women did not have the constitutional right to vote until the year 1920. The New Zealanders were ahead and won the right in 1893. Australians in 1902, Finland in 1906 and the French women waited until 1944. Male chauvinism been prevailant in many societies for centuries and has only changed significantly in the past 200 or so years. It is generally agreed that both sexes are equal and should be treated equal, but I was sometimes wondered if what some Women's Rights activists want is to be equal to men, or to be surperior.

The world has changed an awful lot, especially over the course of the 20th century. Some things have been good changes, like granting women the right to vote, abolishing slavery and what. But while the good aspects of these changes are celebrated, is anyone looking at how beneficial to society some others actually are?

Let's take a woman's right to have an abortion for instance. It's usually seen as a good thing, but what has it done to the demographics in some 1st world countries? In Japan 20 years from now, there will be so many people over the age of 65 that the working population will have no way to support them, and this will be the case all over the 1st world sooner or later.

I also think that some people are more concerned about having a woman president or a black president for the first time than they are about electing someone who does the job well. If the best candidate really is a woman, or a black man, that is fantastic, but the best person for the job should be more important than the headlines. I mean, Margaret Thatcher happened ages ago, and no one says much about that.
It's clearly a matter of pride for Hilary Clinton, who has even began to refer to herself as Hilary Rodham Clinton lately. At the same time, people are more impressed with politicians who appear to have good marriages. As if we haven't noticed that sneaky Rodham between Hilary and Clinton lately. And no one could possible be fool enough to believe that, in spite of Monica Lewinsky and everything, they have a really good marriage!

Anyway, this post was just a vent about how ironic everything is getting lately. I am not saying my point of view is really accurate, or even worded very well, what do you think?

May 19, 2008

Never Say I Love You

OK, not never. There are heaps of appropriate times to say it.

But I kind of wanted to make a point about when is NOT the right time.


If you are joking, and you say to a friend, "I love you." you need to somehow indicate that it's a joke, by like laughing or something.

And don't tell your girlfriend you love her if you really don't. Her expectations get that much higher when you say the words.

It might not mean much to you, but you never know how much what you say will mean to someone else.

May 14, 2008

Amanda's blog has all these boring questionaires on it that no one really reads except me, cuz I love her. But they are good to fill in, and I love her answers.
Have you...Sung someone to sleep? I've taken care of many a toddler in my time. That's the extent of it. You'll have no running-hands-through-lover's-hair-whilst-crooning-a-self-composed-lullaby from me!! Mwaha! No
Been to a psychiatrist? No. But there's always a first for everything. No
Baked a cake without a recipe? Once. I made a note never to do it again, too. No, I hate cooking.
Recorded your voice? A couple times. I hope to this day that any and all copies manage to miraculously erase themselves, but alas, that may be too much to hope for... No, and I would never do it.
Written a novel? Writing one at the moment. It's quite an exciting business. I have started to write several, but I didn't love any of the storylines enough to finish them, except one. And I had to stop that one too, because it got too hard. It's fun to do. And Amanda, when you are done, make sure you show me your novel!
Had a paying job? Yes, thank Heavens. How else would I feed my addiction to coke? (don't worry... I mean the fizzy brown stuff) Yes.
Lost a loved-one? Sister, friend. Other family members I didn't know too well. My mom.
Been in a band? Sort of... No
Danced in front of people? Unfortunately for them, yes. I fancied myself a dancer once, a long time ago. Maybe once or twice when I was drunk... I can't remember, thank God.
Wanted children? Briefly, whilst holding a friend's baby. Then it threw up in my face and I decided that child-rearing wasn't for me. No, and to be honest, I can't think of anything I would like less than to get pregnant. One "Anonymous" said to me that being pregnant is not the end of the world, but that is a personal decision, and in my mind, it pretty much is.
Been to a concert? Oh, SO many. Yes...
Cried yourself to sleep? Copiously. Yes, it's terrible!
Met someone famous? Only Japanese celebrities, sad to say. I haven't started my stalking career officially yet. Not really really famous
Wanted to be famous? I still do. It's a genetic disease thing. Never! I really appreciate my privacy. I am so glad that not so many people care about what I do everyday. God watches me, and even that seems like too much sometimes.
Used a rhyming dictionary? Yes, and was heartily ashamed afterwards. I can rhyme well enough without one. I didn't even know those exist...but now I want to try to use one!
Drew/painted a piece of art to completion? I hate art. With a passion. Mainly because I'm not artistic in the slightest. So many times, I love art.
Streaked? YES, and loved every minute. I am such a closet nudist. No, and I would never do it! Nudity bothers me. I prefer sex clothes on, and that is not only because of what I don't want them to see, but also what I don't want to see. Just because someone is the hottest thing since the sun doesn't mean they need to shock you with their nakedness. Only exception would be Amanda.
Gone somewhere deliberately in the hopes of running into someone? I do it all the time. I'm a loser- I have an excuse! Not that I can remember specifically.
Felt so incapable of expressing love that you cried? Not really. I'm kind of good at expressing things. Yes. Things got so uncomfortable that I finally made an effort to tell the person. It was so embarassing, it was like dying, only knowing that you will only be alive the next day.
Written a song? Yes. When did you write a song? And my answer is no!
Climbed a mountain? Too many. Yes. Sometimes even carrying boxes.
Wished you were the opposite gender? During my pre-teen stages I dressed, acted, talked, and looked like a little boy, out of choice. I'm glad to say I've fully recovered now. Of course! Boys have it so much better.
Stayed up all night? Yes. Yes, sometimes it was because I couldn't sleep, which was bad. But then again, sometimes it was because I was having too much fun to sleep. Good times.
Been heartbroken? Naw. I'm a toughie. hehe... yeah... Yes. People have no idea how bad a broken heart is, because they always associate it with romance. My heart has never been broken in that way, even though one time one guy hurt me a bit... haha.
Been in love with someone who had no idea? They probably had no idea for about two days before it was glaringly obvious. I have never been in love.
Do you...Stop reading books halfway through? I've been doing that more recently. I need to stop. Yes! I don't believe in finishing anything just because I started it.
Sleep during movies? Not once. Yes. It's like when you stop reading a book halfway through.
Cry during movies? I cried during "Armageddon" yesterday. I'm very emo. No.
Talk a lot? When comfortable with the situation. Matters with who, and when, and what about.
Sleep better alone? Definitely. YES! God, yes!
Own a pair of glasses? Sunglasses, yes. Yes, and it always surprised people because I don't wear them. And I own a lot of sunnies too.
Pinch pennies? All my life. It's the Jew in me. Of course.
Quickly lose interest in projects? Ashamedly quickly. Unless it's something I HAVE to do. Sometimes
Misplace things? Constantly. Even more than my boss, and that's saying something. Sometimes
Buy stationery before you need it? I never buy the stuff. Yes
Love math? Adore it. When I understand it. Same as Amanda
Know a lot of random facts? I know more trivia than important facts. Yes. Do you know the 3 youngest men to be elected president of the US? I do!
Do romantic, thoughtful things for the people you love? Thoughtful, yes. Screw romantic. No I never even do that!
Have difficulty getting rid of things you don't use? I'm teaching myself that junk isn't allimportant. I learn slowly. Not at all. I consider it my right to get rid of all the things in my life that I do not absolutely love, be it stuff or anything else.
Notice and remember little things about people? If they're worth remembering. Same as Amanda
Prefer wine to beer? I actually dislike both. Beer!
Do an accent? You should hear my Japanese accent. Perfection. Same as Amanda. I do a good Uncle Gideon. (I love you Uncle Gideon!)
Enjoy the spotlight? Pretend to dislike it, secretly adore it. Not so much.
Love board games? Not particularly. Not so much.
Buy your own shampoo or toothpaste? No. Yes of course. The maid isn't gonna do it.
Wish people would stop talking about you? Of course. What a silly question. That IS a silly question!
Keep a journal? Since I was 5 years old. Same as Amanda... ish.
Enjoy exotic foods? Yeah, my mom's Chinese. Go figure. Yes. Have you ever eaten a whole lemon, baked?
Cook elaborately for yourself? When I'm in the mood. No way. I hate cooking
Have expensive taste? Not really. When I'm in the mood.
Write on yourself? It's addictive. Yes, I do it really really bad.
Stay up late? My eventual killer will undoubtedly be my enormous sleepdebt. Same as Amanda. I have made more bad choices at 3 am than any other time. Don't read into that statement too much.
Absolutely love your perfume/cologne or use it because you have it? Meh to perfumes. Scented deoderant for me. Yes, I only keep things that I love, remember?
Wish you could be someplace else? The Afterlife, perhaps? Yes, of course.
Miss people? Always. Always.
Organize to a fault? Critically. Yes, I really plan my life, and things always go according to what I planned, be that a good thing or not.
Take a long time to be satisfied with your work? I'm a perfectionist. You know, the clinically insane kind. Yeah
Wear clothes that are too big for you? None of my clothes actually fit me. If they are comfortable...
Own more than 10 pens? Probably, I've never bothered to actually count. Easily, I am a total stationery fanatic.
Wear make-up every day? No. Yes, I work! Why look bad when you can look better?
Get angry often? I get indecently angry about once a month. Otherwise, I'm annoyed consistently. No, it actually takes a lot to make me really angry.
Wasn't that fun!

May 7, 2008

Vote For Pearl Kellie

Help this gorgeous girl win Miss Bikini Phillipines by going to and voting for her.