June 18, 2007

About Marriage

Grace, Lena and I talked about who we each wouldn't mind getting together with once, who we like and stuff. Lena and Grace had answers, and they made good sense. Like, "I want to marry so-and-so because he is hot."
But when it came to my turn, I had someone in mind. He is hot and cool and a really good friend, but I realized that I can be attracted to someone.... alot... but not wanna I dunno... be with him... at all.


Anonymous said...

whoah...deep cogitations from the mind of a saint...

Anonymous said...

dude, you are so not the marrying type. so more like the hit and run.
so whoes this guy?

Anonymous said...

Its Yuki mochironnsa

Anonymous said...

Yuki? That pretty little pothead? What the hell are you thinking?

Skunk said...

Shut the fuck up! If you think Yuki is just a little pothead you don't know him at all.