November 21, 2007

Everyone I Miss In Japan

(Not in order of important. But I do love whoever I put first...)

1.Mia because you are fun to talk to! And Karaoke with you is fun, because you pick all the songs, pick quick and sing on key.

2.Angelo and Steven... fun to hang around with. Oh oh I miss the Bomb Game... and I never thought I would be saying this but I miss Steven's movie choices.

3. Moofy... don't know why, but I miss you Moofy.

4.I miss LENA cuz she's a good partner for doing something to sneak around the adults. Ha ha. Just kidding. (NOT REALLY!) It was good going to Jusco with you and coming back two hours late. Did I ever tell you you're the master of lame excuses?? Well yeah, you are.

5.James, my best FIend. I love you! I think I feel a tear coming...

6. Mary Jane! Miss our chats about nothing in particular. I would still love to rent a house with you!
I prefer her to any other...

7. Amanda! If there is anyone that's good to talk to about a relationship, it's YOU! I miss telling you about whoever it is I have a crush on. (I have a crush on someone now. Can we chat?)

8. Patter! I know whenever we chatted it went like:
Mariea: What did you do today?
Patter: nothing
Mariea: I knew you would say that.
Patter: why
Mariea: Because you always do.
Patter: cuz its true
Patter: im bored
Mariea: Me too. What are you doing now?
Patter: reading on wikipedia
Mariea: Me too
Patter: im bored
Mariea: me too

I miss you!

9.I miss trading secrets with RICHIE. You never did call me. Did you? Never mind. I will call you.

10.YUTS! ...

11.Uncle Gideon! If I ever needed advice, and I wanted it to WORK, he was the first person I would ask.

12. Vicki! You are cool!

13.Aiko, my fellow genius. Do you still have the goldfish purikuras?

14.JP...Dunno I just.. miss teasing you.

And sorry if I missed anyone. I love you anyway.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm on your list! I was scrolling down reading it and I was like, where the hell am I??? oh good, I'm there!
nyahahaha, miss you even though I don't see you!

Skunk said...

Do you think I would miss YOU? Where's your faith in me?

Anonymous said...

I miss you more than all these other weirdos!!

Skunk said...

Ahahahaha! That's so sweet!

Amanda Rudow said...

Whoop! So many other names were piled on top of mine I feel suffocated... Damn, and I thought you loved me. *runs off to cry*

Naw it doesn't matter. I KNOW you love me. :D

I'd love to chat but can't because of tyrannical parents. You can write me, though.

Anonymous said...

Ureshi! I'm so happy to find my name here!
I miss you too! Genki kai??