August 7, 2008

Opinions Please

What would everybody think if I wrote a story divided into page-length chapters and posted it weekly/twice weekly?

Opions carrying weight: Mary Jane, Amanda, Christian, Kenny, Sunny, Patty. (Since they are the only people who I know for a fact read my blog on a regular basis.)


Patty said...

What a excellent idea, twice weekly would be nice :)

Anonymous said...

yeah, do that. then we can read it and tease you anout it. nyahahahaha

Junior said...

I'd read it for sure.

Seiko Hashimoto said...

Can u update already please!! And i am hurt that my opinion doesn't carry weight ... just for the record i frequent your blog almost daily ... i only didn't before because i was stuck in boonie africa with no connection. UPDATE!

Skunk said...

My apologies, Seiko. I would just like to explain that the only reason I did not put your name up there is that I had no idea you read my blog that much. But now that I know, I am very flattered.