November 28, 2007

What Your Astrological Sign Says About You

What Your Astrological Sign Says About

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Absolutely nothing.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Absolutely nothing.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Absolutely nothing.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Absolutely nothing.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Absolutely nothing.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Absolutely nothing.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Absolutely nothing.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Absolutely nothing.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Absolutely nothing.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): People like you because you're where it's at.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Absolutely nothing.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Absolutely nothing.


Who voted I shouldn't get a tounge pierce?

Honest Now

Torn jeans and flannel shirts are the most stylish clothes in the world. No. If you work in the kitchen, looking good is just SO important. Not really!

I went to the store to buy something, and while waiting in line I was trying to call someone on a cell phone. I must have gotten a bit distracted because I didn't realize my turn had come. And so the lady behind me snapped, "Get off the drugs!"

On the way back from the store a hippie offered me marijuana.

And then I went to drop something off at our boss' shop. He said, "How are you going? Are you OK? Everytime you walk paased you look so dazed and confused."

I don't know how I give off a pothead impression, but next time I walk passed the boss' shop I will be sure to look really high strung and chipper, so maybe he will think I am on speed instead.

November 26, 2007

My Cousins

For my two days off I took the train to Ballan to see my cousins. Nadia wasn't there, Jake was with his girlfriend that whole time and Rebecca went somewhere for the school holiday. I went to the town where she was and I was with her for a few hours, but I spent pretty much the whole time with Chook.
Nadia and Rebecca are both pretty, Jake is muscular. And Chook is handsome. I am so proud to be related to them!

November 21, 2007


Yeah. The Clare Castle was robbed while no one was there. Jodi came in the next day and the side door was smashed in and the cash was gone. Crime investigators came and took photos of the scene and are hoping to catch the guy.
Are we supposed to feel safe at work? I don't know!

Everyone I Miss In Japan

(Not in order of important. But I do love whoever I put first...)

1.Mia because you are fun to talk to! And Karaoke with you is fun, because you pick all the songs, pick quick and sing on key.

2.Angelo and Steven... fun to hang around with. Oh oh I miss the Bomb Game... and I never thought I would be saying this but I miss Steven's movie choices.

3. Moofy... don't know why, but I miss you Moofy.

4.I miss LENA cuz she's a good partner for doing something to sneak around the adults. Ha ha. Just kidding. (NOT REALLY!) It was good going to Jusco with you and coming back two hours late. Did I ever tell you you're the master of lame excuses?? Well yeah, you are.

5.James, my best FIend. I love you! I think I feel a tear coming...

6. Mary Jane! Miss our chats about nothing in particular. I would still love to rent a house with you!
I prefer her to any other...

7. Amanda! If there is anyone that's good to talk to about a relationship, it's YOU! I miss telling you about whoever it is I have a crush on. (I have a crush on someone now. Can we chat?)

8. Patter! I know whenever we chatted it went like:
Mariea: What did you do today?
Patter: nothing
Mariea: I knew you would say that.
Patter: why
Mariea: Because you always do.
Patter: cuz its true
Patter: im bored
Mariea: Me too. What are you doing now?
Patter: reading on wikipedia
Mariea: Me too
Patter: im bored
Mariea: me too

I miss you!

9.I miss trading secrets with RICHIE. You never did call me. Did you? Never mind. I will call you.

10.YUTS! ...

11.Uncle Gideon! If I ever needed advice, and I wanted it to WORK, he was the first person I would ask.

12. Vicki! You are cool!

13.Aiko, my fellow genius. Do you still have the goldfish purikuras?

14.JP...Dunno I just.. miss teasing you.

And sorry if I missed anyone. I love you anyway.

Since Being In Australia

Let's see. Since being Here...
I got a job working at the Clare Castle Hotel, which is an Italian restausant that Jodi manages. I work in the kitchen for a Chef who's name is Jeff... it's not my fault that it rhymes either. The waitresses are lovely. They have given me cute nicknames like "Worker Ant", and the "Kitchen Bitch". The proper title for someone in my line of work is "Kitchen Hand." ...??? Go figure.

I went to Victoria market, and I bought two big posters, and some T-shirts. I spent about $80 dollars that day... about on day's pay for me. So fun.

I would like to promise to post photos, but I have no camera...

Yeah whatever so how have you been?