November 28, 2007

Honest Now

Torn jeans and flannel shirts are the most stylish clothes in the world. No. If you work in the kitchen, looking good is just SO important. Not really!

I went to the store to buy something, and while waiting in line I was trying to call someone on a cell phone. I must have gotten a bit distracted because I didn't realize my turn had come. And so the lady behind me snapped, "Get off the drugs!"

On the way back from the store a hippie offered me marijuana.

And then I went to drop something off at our boss' shop. He said, "How are you going? Are you OK? Everytime you walk paased you look so dazed and confused."

I don't know how I give off a pothead impression, but next time I walk passed the boss' shop I will be sure to look really high strung and chipper, so maybe he will think I am on speed instead.

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