January 28, 2008

QUITTING quitting

I feel so bad. I feel SO bad.
But that's OK, I am quitting smoking. Never mind nicotine patches. And not those nicorette chewing gums either. (Did you know it has been proven that overuse of those chewies causes cancer? A total disillusionment!)
So I said I was gonna quit smoking for lent. And Shane says, "HA! You will not be able to quit, ever, at the rate you are going." Excuse me sir? I said, "Are you saying I cannot quit smoking?" and he goes, "Yes, I could be saying that. In fact, here is five cents. If you can quit for the entire 40 days of lent, I will give you another five cents. If not, you give me ten cents. I am giving you 5 cents in advance because I know you won't do it, so I know I will see it again."
Well to all the people who said I can't: nahaha! And screw lent, nahaha. I will go without for 40 days now. And I can.

January 24, 2008

Rest In Peace Heath

Exactly how or why it happened, we won't really know. No matter. Rest in peace, Heath Ledger.
"If you just be safe about the choices you make, you don't grow." --Heath Ledger


I know I have said this before, but the world really has a problem with stalkers. And rude people.

So I was working in the kitchen and I had to get something from in the bar. Some young man saw me and decided that he would like to buy me a drink. But I went back to what I was doing. Well, that genius decided to follow me into the kitchen. I was so freaked out, being alone in the kitchen with a drunk man. He told me his name was Kevin, and when he reached out to shake my hand he nearly fell into my face.
I told him, "I am very sorry Kevin, but we don't allow customers in the kitchen. You will have to leave."
"I just want to buy you a drink," Kevin insisted.
"The drinks are in the bar. And I am working."
He grabbed me arm but he was so drunk that I just sort of pushed him away and out the door. He was gone, thank god, and I finished work.

Then at the end I had to go into the alleyway to throw out some garbage. By now it was past 10:00 and really dark. No matter. This is what you need to do every night. So I went. I heard a voice behind me and spun around. Oh great. Kevin again. I went through the back gate and started locking it from the inside so he couldn't come in. The bars were wide enough tho, that he could reach in and grab onto me, which is what he started to do. It was freaky man. Finally his cab came and he was waving! Like I was his friend!

Another day I was washing dishes, and some old man comes and winks at me and says, "Hey doll!" I don't think so!

And there's also the time the blading man in his forties faced the window, and pissed on the wall right in front of my eyes. Some people have NO shame.

The young man was smoking in his car when he suddenly stopped right outside the window. He kept looking real intently at me. Then he parked his car and stood outside just looking. Then he left. Retards annoy me. But at least this one came back to say, "I just want you to know I am not stalking you!" REALLY!!

This Is Major

Ok so this new waiter is working where I work. His name is Shane and when I met him he pretty much knocked the whhhind out of me. That is a friggin oath.

Just to tell you

It's a lot like the sun. So hot that you can't look too long, or it'll hurt.

Oh my god, he is good looking like woah my god. Sorry to be repetitive but it's true.

And as the story, goes, the chick meets the hot guy and next thing you know, he is charming too. But then he is cocky. And mean. Oh and oh no, he's flirting with every lady that walks in. But at least his muscles are niceBUT HE'S SO DUMB! Oh and did we mention RUDE???


Shane is really NOT cocky, really not mean, so polite, and he is smart! In fact he is a bit of a dork. He goes to university and he is totally politically correct. There is something about everything I say that he finds mean, politically incorrect, somehow racist (I'M NOT THO), pointed or downright dirty. In fact he is so unperverted he's a bit scary. Is he male or is he alien?

So anyway, what do you think people?