January 28, 2008

QUITTING quitting

I feel so bad. I feel SO bad.
But that's OK, I am quitting smoking. Never mind nicotine patches. And not those nicorette chewing gums either. (Did you know it has been proven that overuse of those chewies causes cancer? A total disillusionment!)
So I said I was gonna quit smoking for lent. And Shane says, "HA! You will not be able to quit, ever, at the rate you are going." Excuse me sir? I said, "Are you saying I cannot quit smoking?" and he goes, "Yes, I could be saying that. In fact, here is five cents. If you can quit for the entire 40 days of lent, I will give you another five cents. If not, you give me ten cents. I am giving you 5 cents in advance because I know you won't do it, so I know I will see it again."
Well to all the people who said I can't: nahaha! And screw lent, nahaha. I will go without for 40 days now. And I can.


Anonymous said...

That's great you're quitting! I know you can do it!

Anonymous said...

no worries sweethart, it's perfectly simple. most people can do it.

Anonymous said...

hmmm.....r u really posting this cuz u wanna stop or becuz u just wanna share with the world that u r (or rather u think u r)cool becuz u smoke

Skunk said...

Are you asking that question because you want an answer, or because you want to sharw with everyone how cool you think you are!

A lot of poeple smoke. But that is hardly the issue.

And if you were such a good Christian, shouldn't you be praying for me?

And if you are not a Christian, what are you doing, exactly, pretending to be one?

And if you are NOT pretending to be one, why aren't you earning yourself a living and keeping busy instead of shitting on the blog someone who is?

Can you just leave me alone?

Anonymous said...

u know ur sounding more and more like a bitch the more i read ur posts...and christians arent the only ones who dont think its cool to smoke...just to let u know

Skunk said...

Do you know what, Anonymous? I don't care what you think of me. I don't like you either, because you clearly have nothing else to do but bother people with your stupidity and a bit of rudeness on the side.

It's ironic that you would call me a bitch. if that is what you think, why do you read my blog? Is it because you don't have anything better to do? Or do you just like making enemies?

Anonymous said...

yahahahahahahahahahaha this place sucks ass whata dumb ass blog you should quit while your ahead hahahaha! and as for smoking dont do it .... drugs are much better but them again your a dumb ass yahahaha .....

PS: go fuck yourself !.....


Anonymous said...

excuse me for a minute. i'm gonna go puke...i'll be right back

Skunk said...

It's dumb to compare drugs with cigarettes, because cigarettes are not designed to make you high, now, are they?

It's dumb to get on my blog for entertainment, because it was not designed to entertain you. But since you clearly like being rude and insulting, why don't you just keep on insulting me until you've had you fix. And why don't you let everyone see your name, that way, everyone can see how cool you are.