May 21, 2008

What If We Had A Straight White Male President?

In the world today, it seems that the farther from tradition your point of view is, the better it must be. Left-wing is the new right-wing and to disagree is often considered either discriminatory or politically incorrect.

I walked into a bookstore on my break from work. It was quiet since there were only 3 or 4 other customers. As I browsed I noticed some tasteful nude calenders and postcards. But some were not so tasteful. All the books had titles like "How To Play It Straight--Or Not", "Coming Out Of the Closet" and "How To Love Your Gay Brother."
It would have been nice in there were any books on themes that interested me, so I asked the girl behind the counter, "Um, gay the theme of this bookstore?" She said, "Yeah, queer." I started heading toward the door and she raised her eyebrows at me as if to say, "Do you have a problem with that?" I tried to smile and not sound rude when I replied, "Well, I'm straight."
Good thing I was leaving because the other customers were giving me weird looks and it wasn't like I wanted to offend them in their gay bookstore.
As a disclaimer, I am not homophobic, and I don't look down on gay people or desire to hurt or offend them. I actually know some gay men who are nice, good people. It's up to them, and that's that. The only people who bother me are the ones that shove their sexuality in my face and get overly defensive about what really should be a private matter.
But if there had been a whole bookstore dedicated to the benefits of being heterosexual, would that be alright with the gay population? Or is it now a case of discrimination against the majority?
Another example is the Black Reel Awards, better known as the Black Awards, which began in 200o and were designed "to annually recognize and celebrate the achievements of black people in feature". That is good and well, but what if there had been a "White Awards"?
Of course, it is arguable that black people have been overall subject to more racial discrimination than whites have. But is this kind of logic promoting racial equality or making it more unachievable?

An experiment was done in Australia where a Chinese imigrant and a white Australian went to the same Chinese computer dealer with identical laptops for an identical problem. The white man paid 7 times what the Chinese man paid. The conclusion was that imigrants are in fact more likely to charge white people a higher price, just for being white. It was dubbed as reverse descrimination.

American women did not have the constitutional right to vote until the year 1920. The New Zealanders were ahead and won the right in 1893. Australians in 1902, Finland in 1906 and the French women waited until 1944. Male chauvinism been prevailant in many societies for centuries and has only changed significantly in the past 200 or so years. It is generally agreed that both sexes are equal and should be treated equal, but I was sometimes wondered if what some Women's Rights activists want is to be equal to men, or to be surperior.

The world has changed an awful lot, especially over the course of the 20th century. Some things have been good changes, like granting women the right to vote, abolishing slavery and what. But while the good aspects of these changes are celebrated, is anyone looking at how beneficial to society some others actually are?

Let's take a woman's right to have an abortion for instance. It's usually seen as a good thing, but what has it done to the demographics in some 1st world countries? In Japan 20 years from now, there will be so many people over the age of 65 that the working population will have no way to support them, and this will be the case all over the 1st world sooner or later.

I also think that some people are more concerned about having a woman president or a black president for the first time than they are about electing someone who does the job well. If the best candidate really is a woman, or a black man, that is fantastic, but the best person for the job should be more important than the headlines. I mean, Margaret Thatcher happened ages ago, and no one says much about that.
It's clearly a matter of pride for Hilary Clinton, who has even began to refer to herself as Hilary Rodham Clinton lately. At the same time, people are more impressed with politicians who appear to have good marriages. As if we haven't noticed that sneaky Rodham between Hilary and Clinton lately. And no one could possible be fool enough to believe that, in spite of Monica Lewinsky and everything, they have a really good marriage!

Anyway, this post was just a vent about how ironic everything is getting lately. I am not saying my point of view is really accurate, or even worded very well, what do you think?


Patty said...

From now on you can't call me white, I am European-American, got that? Oh and don't refer to me as a "girl", I am "penally challenged" mmkay

Phoenixkidd said...

Wow I don't know you from Jack but know that I read your blog and felt disheartened, but of course with age comes knowledge, you must learn to "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" Reverse discrimination happens all the time in the US some may even argue Affirmative Action is just another word for it. On the flip side I don't know how many times I've brought my car to a an auto shop and they attempted to pull the wool over my eyes and try to get me to buy some stupid thing, just because of my asian looks and they think "oh he isn't a car guy, he wouldn't know the difference" it pisses me off. As far as Sex*ality goes it's a very fluid thing, everyone has a fetish, and what some may find attractive, like what you may have seen in the bookstore may be gross to others, we cannot box ourselves in to think what we like or detest is the same for everybody! Remember humans tastes are all different that's what makes us special in the animal kingdom.

Junior said...

Hmmm, I totally agree. I think Ron Paul would be a much better candidate then either of those jokers, he actually wants to fix things, instead of these hair brained band aid on the bullet wound policies. I really agree with the way he sees things in America, he can see that the way things are headed they'll hit a brick wall soon(especially in foreign policy, ,interventionism, government infringement on rights, the war on drugs, etc), and that they could never take another four years of what they are putting themselves through now. It's a very weird world we live in. And I had no Idea that you were such a history geek, I'm proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Junior, if you think Ron Paul should be President, you should go re-think your life... and your muscles.

Ange Johnson said...

no!! i like the muscles!

Skunk said...

I don't have an opinion about this one...

Anonymous said...

Um Mari: I actually do think that Ron Paul should be President based on the the policies that he stands for. The other ones will just continue to drive the world into a hole with the hair brained top heavy leadership, unchecked national debt, suicidal foreign policies and crooked government staff. Usually I'm not very interested in hearing opinions from the obviously politically challenged but go ahead and humor me with why you think he shouldn't be elected.
It wont really matter any way what I think or what you think, because he won't be elected anyway, but lets hear it. You like politics?

Anonymous said...

i hate politics. the only reason why I read about and try to learn about politics is because I like to laugh in people's faces when they try to pretend like they know so much.

Yeah, I'm mean. Mariea can vouch for me there.

I just think that alot of family members get their facts mixed up and then they start talking crap, mostly because they aren;t aloud to read the newspaper. Or maybe, some leader told them that this and this politician is the lord's annointed.
Not saying you in particular, Junior, but alot alot alot of weirdos have this screwed up idea about what they stand for and usually that isn;t even what they really think.

I know, because I used to adamently rant about some certain politician because I thot he was hot!

ehehe. nevermind me. just do your thang

Skunk said...

Mary Jane IS mean.

Haha. Not really.

I have to agree that people should have their own opinion about political issues. I will admit to liking JFK just that much better than the other presidents, and that is partly because he was a hunnie. Not the point...

As far as Ron Paul goes I am not saying that he is better than some other candidates neccassarily or even the best person for the job. I don't know. But I do think some of the things he stands for are sensible enough.

But really politics is a crock of shit, just like society as a whole lately.

Anonymous said...

great was my day off and i felt like reading some of your rantings.


True, true...unpopular...true. People hear reggae songs like "I'm black, I'm black" and it's considered perfectly normal. Let's say though if some pop artist put out a song about being white...he'd be creamed...

Patty's funny. "penally" challenged as opposed to girl, here it says...hahahaha...I think "phallically" challenged might be closer, but anyhow...

Anonymous said...

wow girl, you have some deep thoughts!

Anonymous said...

kenfrog: go listen to some good ol' eminem or kidrock. actually, just turn on the radio and i'm sure you'll come across something that'll contradict what you said.

Actually They don't talk about how black they are, they talk about chillin in da club and that hot mama. And that's just how they rule so thats that. Just like Country singers only talk about fuckin Jesus and who can blame them cuz that's what they like.

I bet you just turn on Mtv and get such a shock out of seeing abunch of black people that it just registers in your mind that their saying "i'm black. I'm black"

*cough* Ra-cough-cist *cough*
