July 18, 2008

The Underrated Singledom

I am sick and tired of people asking me asking me if I have a boyfriend. And I am sick of hearing their reactions when I say no.

"How come?????"

That's a bit easy. I am 17. The focus in my life is actually on finding out what I am good at and developing talents that will give me a good career.

"Well, I hope you find the right guy soon."

Are you serious? What do people hope that for? "Find a boyfriend or die" has never been my motto, and the "better dead than single" kind of attitude doesn't appeal to me at all either.
I know a lot of girls with boyfriends. They all have something I don't have, which is a boyfriend. But I have something they don't have, which is freedom. I can sleep wherever I like whenever I like, I can call whoever and give whoever my number, I don't need to worry about hating his mates and their beer-breath, I can buy what I want and go shopping without a doofus who hates shopping on my arm and when I dye my hair, or pierce a body part, I am not offending anyone and I don't need their permission.

But for some reason, if I ever share this opinion with these people they look at me, shocked and say

'But don't you think you would like the company?"

No. I don't. I have friends. They don't expect me to cook for them, return their calls or do things with the lights off--or on--if I don't want to.

And all these teen aged single girls that feel like an incomplete person unless they are in a relationship are missing the point. Guys that want a girlfriends to settle with a off-putting in my eyes. There is nothing sexy about and Emotional Desperado.

It almost pains me when I am attracted to someone, especially when they are attracted to me also. I have a full-blown commitment phobia and being attracted to someone doesn't mean that I am ready to say "Let's hold hands and have a relationship." It could just be because I am young. Or maybe I just haven't met a good candidate yet.

Prince Charming is a cheesy man in my mind, and if I ever met him, I think I will give him to one of my friends for Christmas. While I am happy for all the smug couples couples who consider themselves lucky to "get to" sleep with the same man forever and ever, rather than marry an accountant or journalist who cheats with the secretary at work, buy a house with a picket fence and have 2.5 children and a , I would prefer to live alone with no one to answer to but a car and a cat.

This isn't to say I will never get married, because that would be a silly thing to say. We do all make mistakes, after all. But until I meet a James Dean look-alike knight in shining Armani, I think will stay single and happy.


Junior said...

Well that's good that you think that way, gives me a lot more sleep at night, I'm so worried about you, sob . Love the pics you look great and so does every one else.

Xact Claims Services said...

hahaha, sucha debateable topic right there. One thing I HAVE to disagree with:

-Freedom to sleep with any guy you want...isn't all that great.

Sleeping with one specific guy that you're crazy about, over and over again... makes good sex.
Sleeping with any hot guy that you hardly know-not having any feelings for, except attraction... makes lousy sex.

Unknown said...

nyahahah! well said. you're single and fabu. nothing more to say about that.

Anonymous said...

hummmm....all that sex and the city really made it the over rated singledom.

Y.M.R said...

i know my two cents are probably most unwelcome, but for the slight chance that it won't be thrown back in my face i will comment. I personally think (from what I've read) that you're seeing a relationship as a burden and a boyfriend as a drag. If you commit to someone all the while thinking of what they can do to make your life easier it probably will be a drag, and it probably will not be worth all the freedoms you've mentioned that you may have to forsake. You forget that real, unselfish love, the kind that seeks to love rather than be loved is the kind of relationship that will be everything and more its cooked up to be. So, i do wish you find someone, because to love someone so much that you dont care of all the imperfections and flaws they have that may tie you down (aka. not having a genuine love for shopping, or body piercings and you giving your number to random people.) but you just want to be there for them and love them, is a different kind of freedom and one definately worth wishing on someone.
okay then, im gonna shut up.

Skunk said...

Ryan, you may or may not be surprised that I actually agree with you that loving someone the way that you have described is very fulfilling and I can see that. I admire people in committed relationships who make it work and are happy and should I ever find myself in one, I would like to be that way too. But what I am talking about in this post is more those who feel they must be in any old relationship because that's better than being single, even if the person they are with doesn't love them back much, or it's not working.

And Joan, haha I am not a fan one night stands either, and I agree that they are nearly always gonna be bad bad sex. But still, since I don't love anyone like that right now, the thought of sleeping with one person forever sounds boring and near scary.

Christian! Why are you worried?

Junior said...

I guess I shouldn't be. You're a big girl. Just try not to go any where alone at night.

Anonymous said...

I love rants, Mariea, and this was just another one of your "teen spirit" rants....hehehehe....

favorite line: "I know a lot of girls with boyfriends. They all have something I don't have, which is a boyfriend."

most chilling line (worthy of Elen De Generative:) "I would prefer to live alone with no one to answer to but a car and a cat."

"Hello Mercedes...hello Chris (the cat)"


It's great you're in no hurry to hook up. But do hook up sometime before 25!

Anonymous said...

Mariea...heh you know me I'm happy being single...
Everyone will have differing opinions to being single, esp married ppl or ones with a long-term relationship.
But you say your piece and let everyone think theirs.

We should chat again..Love you!

Anonymous said...

Mermer having a good boyfriend means having many more hot new handbags...even if hes annoying at times its totally worth it. oh and the older ones usually have more money and are hotter, so try someone in their 60`s. Its hot!