January 22, 2007


I have had I fascination for the Kennedys for as long as I can remember. They looked better than regular politicians did. Their family supposedly had a curse. Some say it was because they bootlegged, adding to their wealth. Whatever, they're a cool family. Most of them were Free-Masons.


MaryJane said...

gosh Mariea, you are really into this President thing!
cool tho. I'm really into them too. I had to do like a million word essay on JFk. Personnaly, Robert Kennedy was my favorite...I wonder what would have happened if he hadn't died....
forget it. you know, everyone tells me that I don't actually, know things, I just make them up to make me sound smart.
I think I am actually a blonde. I mean, my hair is actually like a...dirty blonde, but I don't like saying that cuz it makes me sound dirty and I hate being called dirty, even though I am dirty. so I call it a different shade of gold......no not really. It's like a light brown with red highlights.
AND i HAVE SICK FUCKING BANGS! jesus christ what is this world coming to???
Oh, and I'm watching a really good show called Weeds! do you have cable at your house? cuz if you do you should really watch tv. I heard that watching tv can actually inhance a childs learning capasity! no shit! no wonder I'm such an idiot! I never watched tv when I was a kid! they never let me near a television! I grew up on Lion King and Pochahontas!!!! it's all my parent's fault! I could have been a geneous and they ruined my opprotunities!
If I ever get knocked up and have a kid, I'm gunna make it sit through 24 hours of television a day! i think it'll really do it some good!
See that's the problem with these family children born to unfortunate SGAs, they don't ever ever ever let their kid watch a good violent movie/tv show! such as Pochahontas, Lion King, The Simpsons, the Little Mermaid.
These videos are all the good 'ol videos that I was brought up on. I mean I could have grown up to be a an average systemite geneous if I watched a bit more movies and shit, but at least I'm not half as stupid as lets...Mr. Little child that lives up stairs who is 6 years old and hasn't even watched Lion King, much less Toy Story!
What is this world coming to?? I think it's coming to nothing and if we dont do something quick, we'll ALL just end up like stupid idiot happy Martians!
Much love and concerns,

Mariea, delete this comment, I was really really bored, had nothing to do, and I just wanted to vent on someone's blog. I would have done it on like say Ambie's blog or Aich's blog cuz I think they need to hear these strange words that come out of my mouth. but unfortunately, I live very nearby one of those people..and it wasn't really such a good idea. then I thought of Seiko's blog, but hell, all she's worried about is AFRICA!
And then I came here and you were talking about a deceased man! my favorite subject.
Anyways, yeah, delete this comment!

Skunk said...

Think I'll keep it up for now, Mary Jane. I delete all comments pretty much, except the the ones from people I like, or the embarssing ones like this one. Hahaha.

Patty said...

MaryJane dearest I really do hate to shatter your dreams but TV makes you stupid

Skunk said...

I agree with Patter. Shame TV's fun though.

Anonymous said...

hahaha...you three would make a good team for a melodramatic soap opera about three beautiful cynical women or something...

Anonymous said...

the stepford wives, for example