May 4, 2007

Happy Birthday Angelo

Today is a special day, because it is Golden Week, which only comes once a year for 3 days. ...Well, it's also Angelo's birthday. (He turned 15... like I said, everyone is getting so old!)
His invited all his Japanese friends from school to his party. (One other guy was half German half Japanese, like Angelo, only he speaks no English.) Angelo and JP tried rather unsuccessfully to teach them Mafia. Playing Old Maid with 15 people didn't work very well either. Can someone tell me why???
Well since it's his birthday I guess I should say what I like about Aneglo. Probably won't get around to it for the rest of the year. (Angelo, I hope you're not reading this.)
1) Angelo works hard, and he's rather responsible. ...
2) He's rather funny in his moments of brilliance. People actually laugh at his jokes, and not just HIM, which is good.
3) I can't find a third thing ... Well, I tried.

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