June 22, 2007

Naming the Baby

Who decides a childs' name? Well, I guess Moofy does. See, Titus and Mia have a son Darren, but Moofy decided to change his name to Douglas.
"Darren, is your name Douglas?" Titus asked in a fatherly tone.
"Yes!" Douglas squeals.
Douglas looks in the mirror and says, "I see Douglas!" We wanted to make sure he really got the point that his name is Douglas, so I taught him a little song to the tune of "Your Name Is Wonderful":
Your name is Douglas
Your name is Douglas
Your name is Douglas
Douglas my boy...

Uncle Gideon was concentrating on something and being real quiet, then he finally asked, "What's a short name for Titus?" We were like, "Tights? Tight-ass??? TIT???? Titty?????" Moofy affectionately dubbed Titus Titty. Flattering!
Now Titty wants a name for my dad... and we are looking for one for Mia? Any ideas?

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