June 27, 2007

Sorry To Embarass Angelo...

So we were all on the beach trying to dig a hole deep enough to bury Moofy, standing up. Angelo was digging with his hands at first, but he must have gotten tired or whatever because there was this old couple walking past with two shovels in hand.
"We'll jan-ken and the loser asks to borrow the shovel!" Moofy says.
"Nah, I can do it," I grumbled.
"Hell no! You can't just ask some old people, 'can I use your shovel'!."
"Guys, this is such crap." Lena snapped.
Well some way or another, I asked them. The old lady gave me a funny look when I was walking toward her, but she didn't seem surprised at all. She said to me in pretty good English, "Oh, we can give you this shovel."
I insisted that she didn't have to do that but she said, "It's ok, it's only 100 yen." She handed me the shovel and she left before I could say a word.
Well, that was highly embarassing, since she obviously heard Angelo call her an old lady... and all.

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