November 28, 2007

What Your Astrological Sign Says About You

What Your Astrological Sign Says About

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Absolutely nothing.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Absolutely nothing.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Absolutely nothing.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Absolutely nothing.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Absolutely nothing.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Absolutely nothing.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Absolutely nothing.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Absolutely nothing.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Absolutely nothing.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): People like you because you're where it's at.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Absolutely nothing.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Absolutely nothing.


Who voted I shouldn't get a tounge pierce?

Honest Now

Torn jeans and flannel shirts are the most stylish clothes in the world. No. If you work in the kitchen, looking good is just SO important. Not really!

I went to the store to buy something, and while waiting in line I was trying to call someone on a cell phone. I must have gotten a bit distracted because I didn't realize my turn had come. And so the lady behind me snapped, "Get off the drugs!"

On the way back from the store a hippie offered me marijuana.

And then I went to drop something off at our boss' shop. He said, "How are you going? Are you OK? Everytime you walk paased you look so dazed and confused."

I don't know how I give off a pothead impression, but next time I walk passed the boss' shop I will be sure to look really high strung and chipper, so maybe he will think I am on speed instead.

November 26, 2007

My Cousins

For my two days off I took the train to Ballan to see my cousins. Nadia wasn't there, Jake was with his girlfriend that whole time and Rebecca went somewhere for the school holiday. I went to the town where she was and I was with her for a few hours, but I spent pretty much the whole time with Chook.
Nadia and Rebecca are both pretty, Jake is muscular. And Chook is handsome. I am so proud to be related to them!

November 21, 2007


Yeah. The Clare Castle was robbed while no one was there. Jodi came in the next day and the side door was smashed in and the cash was gone. Crime investigators came and took photos of the scene and are hoping to catch the guy.
Are we supposed to feel safe at work? I don't know!

Everyone I Miss In Japan

(Not in order of important. But I do love whoever I put first...)

1.Mia because you are fun to talk to! And Karaoke with you is fun, because you pick all the songs, pick quick and sing on key.

2.Angelo and Steven... fun to hang around with. Oh oh I miss the Bomb Game... and I never thought I would be saying this but I miss Steven's movie choices.

3. Moofy... don't know why, but I miss you Moofy.

4.I miss LENA cuz she's a good partner for doing something to sneak around the adults. Ha ha. Just kidding. (NOT REALLY!) It was good going to Jusco with you and coming back two hours late. Did I ever tell you you're the master of lame excuses?? Well yeah, you are.

5.James, my best FIend. I love you! I think I feel a tear coming...

6. Mary Jane! Miss our chats about nothing in particular. I would still love to rent a house with you!
I prefer her to any other...

7. Amanda! If there is anyone that's good to talk to about a relationship, it's YOU! I miss telling you about whoever it is I have a crush on. (I have a crush on someone now. Can we chat?)

8. Patter! I know whenever we chatted it went like:
Mariea: What did you do today?
Patter: nothing
Mariea: I knew you would say that.
Patter: why
Mariea: Because you always do.
Patter: cuz its true
Patter: im bored
Mariea: Me too. What are you doing now?
Patter: reading on wikipedia
Mariea: Me too
Patter: im bored
Mariea: me too

I miss you!

9.I miss trading secrets with RICHIE. You never did call me. Did you? Never mind. I will call you.

10.YUTS! ...

11.Uncle Gideon! If I ever needed advice, and I wanted it to WORK, he was the first person I would ask.

12. Vicki! You are cool!

13.Aiko, my fellow genius. Do you still have the goldfish purikuras?

14.JP...Dunno I just.. miss teasing you.

And sorry if I missed anyone. I love you anyway.

Since Being In Australia

Let's see. Since being Here...
I got a job working at the Clare Castle Hotel, which is an Italian restausant that Jodi manages. I work in the kitchen for a Chef who's name is Jeff... it's not my fault that it rhymes either. The waitresses are lovely. They have given me cute nicknames like "Worker Ant", and the "Kitchen Bitch". The proper title for someone in my line of work is "Kitchen Hand." ...??? Go figure.

I went to Victoria market, and I bought two big posters, and some T-shirts. I spent about $80 dollars that day... about on day's pay for me. So fun.

I would like to promise to post photos, but I have no camera...

Yeah whatever so how have you been?

October 1, 2007

Going To Australia

You have probably all heard that I am going to Australia to see my family on October 21st. But just in case, I thought I should put it up so everyone can know it.
Well that was the news... gonna miss all my friends in Japan know who you are...and of course everyone in my home.

September 5, 2007

Watch Out For the Weirdo

The people in this Home go to Jusco everyday, just about. Auntie Olivia twice a day sometimes. And now we have all seen him. And so has the whole of Auntie Crystal's family. We noticed he was following us when it was still about March. What bothers me the most is that he works there every single day. Once we were even jogging down the aisle to get away, only for me to run right into him.
But he still does it. Uncle Gideon complained about him to the vice president of Jusco and he promised to do something. But the next evening he was there again, back at it. And the nest day, and the next. Nuts.

August 23, 2007

News Flash 3

Someone brought to my attention that I didn't write anything about what I have been doing the month. I know. That is because no one reads it.

This is the month of August. This month we did no school, went to the dam to swim (I didn't swim though of course) and saw the others home.

This month me Moofy and Lena probably went to the other house more than we have in our lives. Weird. Earlier this month Angelo broke his foot and now he wears a cast.

I didn't go to the AIP.

Elena came down from Chiba. It was real fun, like a story in itself.

Matthew is here now. Everyone says he looks so much like Angelo. Try not to understand if you don't. It's so funny.

Mia will have to baby any day now. I had a dream she had it while we were watching a movie. OH NO

Today we had a BBQ with the other home. Aiko accidentally spit gum in John Paul's hair. Awful, and I had to take it all out. I also got a STARWARS Episode 1 T-shirt for him. I am so nice to JP!

August 11, 2007

Still Thinking of You

Patty sent me this photo. Is it just me, or is it really disturbing?

August 3, 2007


Mia is so cool!

August 2, 2007

That Is IT!

Steven is really gonna get it.

August 1, 2007

Stuff You Don't Know... Or Maybe You Do

1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My Nonna has the same name as me. I don't know if that means I am named after her.
2 or 3 months ago.
I never think about it. I guess that means no.
What's a lunchmeat? I like fish.
Probably. I hope that that's not strange.
That's what people tell me, but I can't be sure. I don't listen to myself talking. I think it would depend on how you take what I say.
I probably would. Matters on my mood.
I hate milk.
Not if they are Sneakers.
Not particularly
I like chocolate mint... that's all I can think of right now.
If they have one very dominant feature (like receding hairline) I would notice that. But in general, I notice whether or not they are good looking. Usually the eyes and eyebrows, or just the face in general.
It matters what for. For nailpolish I prefer red. Makeup as well. Actually... maybe red.
Never think about it.
I'm not good with open-ended questions, so I don't really know what this means. I think I miss being a little kid.

Blue jeans and no shoes.
Uhhh I can hear my own typing but I am not listening to it.
Whiskey, incense, nailpolish and maybe bleach.
My brother Christian called me today. Oh but so did Jodi...

Aussie Football
Green... whatever.
No but I wear glasses when I watch movies. (I bet you did NOT know that!)
I don't know. I am more into drinks.
It depends. I like scary movies. But I think a happy ending is nice too. Real life is sad enough without watching a sad movie. Although sometimes and ending is sad, but it's not sad, because it's a "right" ending, where you know things worked our for the best. Basically, if it is a good movie I don't care.
Black and a blue flannel over it. Nice and grunge.
Matters who from, where and how good they are at it. In general I don't much like affection though.
I am not so big on dessert. I like ice cream though.
Some American history books. Really interesting.
This mouse pad is so worn out, I can't tell if there was something written there once if it is just dirt.
A little of the news.
Music of course.
Maybe the Beatles. Overall there songs were better.
Where is home? It would depend on that.
Not a good question to ask me.
Fukuoka... but I grew up in Osaka area.

July 15, 2007


Lena is so pretty!

July 6, 2007


On the 3rd it was a very special someone's birthday. It was Yuki's birthday... but the special person I had in my mind was TOM CRUISE!

Uncle Gideon Please Don't Say That!

I doubt I will marry
Because one you're married--I hate to state the obvious--but you're married.

Ok the reason I say this is that Mia was talking about her pregnancy while I was eating my lunch. The subject of breastmilk came up, which I just find SO freaky. Anyway, I continued eating in silence.
Then Uncle Gideon walks into the room and remarks, "Mariea, you're gonna get married soon. For sure before you become 23. You already have the face of a mom!" In another life!--Unlce Gideon, please don't say that!

June 30, 2007


Summer is so hot. I hate summer! How did you survive last summer? Let me know!

June 27, 2007

Please Don't Say That!

I like Cancer men and by happenstance I like guitarists too. Somehow or another Yuki is both... but oh well whatever. Nevermind. Anyway everyone was teasing me about Yuki for some dumb reason. They were like "Blah blah blah blah...blah" and blah blah you know, the usual. And that was annoying enough until Auntie Crystal had to say, "Oh but Yuki is a cutie!"
YIKES! Steven actually screamed, and I actually died. And then she went on to say, "What? If I was a teen girl...!" NO NO NO NO NO Auntie Crystal please don't say that. I don't mind to think a guy is hot... but I don't want to have to share my opinion with a MOM! I am in such bad company!

Sorry To Embarass Angelo...

So we were all on the beach trying to dig a hole deep enough to bury Moofy, standing up. Angelo was digging with his hands at first, but he must have gotten tired or whatever because there was this old couple walking past with two shovels in hand.
"We'll jan-ken and the loser asks to borrow the shovel!" Moofy says.
"Nah, I can do it," I grumbled.
"Hell no! You can't just ask some old people, 'can I use your shovel'!."
"Guys, this is such crap." Lena snapped.
Well some way or another, I asked them. The old lady gave me a funny look when I was walking toward her, but she didn't seem surprised at all. She said to me in pretty good English, "Oh, we can give you this shovel."
I insisted that she didn't have to do that but she said, "It's ok, it's only 100 yen." She handed me the shovel and she left before I could say a word.
Well, that was highly embarassing, since she obviously heard Angelo call her an old lady... and all.

June 23, 2007

Some Random Pics


I know there are better photos of Douglas... but I don't know where, and these are cute enough.

Moofy on her birthday: faithfully dressed as edward scissorhands.

June 22, 2007

A must read

Dear World;

I wish everyone could know the pain I live with every day of my miserable life. Alas no, statistics tells me that only 1 in every 30,000 adult males has a penis less than 4 inches long and 2 inches around. Only they, my wee weinied brethren can even begin to understand the hurt I feel when I step up to a urinal and the stream of urine is only slightly smaller than the 3.28 inch long, 1.67 inch wide wanker that it springs from.

I have tried pumps, creams, exercises, pulling and god forbid; even praying. Nothing works, not even marginally on my minuscule member. So, everyday I try to lie to the world about possessing a petite pecker by peeling out in my Corvette, strutting around in expensive suits, talking about my mansion, dating strippers to show the world my virility and constantly crowing about my colossal crotch.

But my Armani suits are just expensive costumes to hide my teeny-tiny tallywacker. My gigantic house is where I sit alone with my dwarf johnson. And the truth is the only thing I can stretch when it comes to my freakishly feeble frankfurter. Day in and day out I used to ask myself, "Richard David what would jesus do with a small penis?"

Black Jack Is Nasty...

We all know that Moofy thinks Uncle David is handsome. Well, of course not for real, but anyway, she's fun to tease. Who she really likes is his son, David Cloward, but that's not the point. She hates all the teasing...
So we all went to David Cloward's house and all the teens played Black Jack. Lena loses, and she has to kiss David Cloward on the cheek. it was a huge deal. It was the life of my life. ...Until Moofy lost and she had to kiss his arm, each kiss longer than the first saying, "I love you, I love you, I love you." This would not be a big deal if she didn't actually have feelings for him, but I guess she does.
Titty made a no-kissing-noses rule. PHEW! I had to walk into the dining room and give Uncle Gideon an on-the-spot kiss on the cheek. Humiliating. Daichi lost, and he had to kiss me on the nose, since Titty wasn't there to save me.
But I think the bomb was right about when Moofy walked up to Uncle David and kissed he cheek. Words cannot do justice the look that was in her eyes!
On the way home Uncle Gideon said,
"When I was young it was a shiner prize for girls to kiss me. --And now they do it for batsu??"

Naming the Baby

Who decides a childs' name? Well, I guess Moofy does. See, Titus and Mia have a son Darren, but Moofy decided to change his name to Douglas.
"Darren, is your name Douglas?" Titus asked in a fatherly tone.
"Yes!" Douglas squeals.
Douglas looks in the mirror and says, "I see Douglas!" We wanted to make sure he really got the point that his name is Douglas, so I taught him a little song to the tune of "Your Name Is Wonderful":
Your name is Douglas
Your name is Douglas
Your name is Douglas
Douglas my boy...

Uncle Gideon was concentrating on something and being real quiet, then he finally asked, "What's a short name for Titus?" We were like, "Tights? Tight-ass??? TIT???? Titty?????" Moofy affectionately dubbed Titus Titty. Flattering!
Now Titty wants a name for my dad... and we are looking for one for Mia? Any ideas?

News Flash 2

When we decided Titus, Mia and Darren could come visit us, someone decided my room was a good place to put them. So now I live in a tiny hot room that barely fits more than a bed, and doesn't have a fan. But I decorated it good, and at least I have the place to myself.

June 18, 2007

About Marriage

Grace, Lena and I talked about who we each wouldn't mind getting together with once, who we like and stuff. Lena and Grace had answers, and they made good sense. Like, "I want to marry so-and-so because he is hot."
But when it came to my turn, I had someone in mind. He is hot and cool and a really good friend, but I realized that I can be attracted to someone.... alot... but not wanna I dunno... be with him... at all.

News Flash 1

Our General member Charity and her mom came. We were glad her mom had a good time here, which was good. We really cleaned before she came here. Charity will be here till the 21st, and our Actice member Grace has been here cooking and helping the Home.
Grace has been here cooking and helping out. It's good to have here staying the night, and it has helped ease the pain of missing Vicki. (Vicki will be back from Hiroshima in a week). Vicki!!! We miss you!
And tomorrow Titus and Mia will be coming fro a two week visit. Oh yeah, and I have been making the schedule for like the past two weeks... and I am so bad at it!

May 30, 2007

Activated Subscription

I subscribed my dad's friend to Activated.

Yeah yeah yeah

11 is traditionally the ugliest stage, at least in our family. But James has survived being 11 very well. He is fun to be with, works hard, and teasing his high voice is always fun.

Moofy is simple and funny. Really cute. She's not evil like I am and sometimes it puts me to shame. Sometimes it makes me laugh.

Uncle Gideon is my favourite Uncle!

I don't think Lena likes to cook so much, but anyway, she made sushi, and it was rather pretty. Lena knows how to control Moofy. Thanks Len!

Vicki I miss you! Have fun in Kanazawa.

Grace is fun

I would have put photos of Aiko and Kenny and Auntie, but I didn't have any.

May 19, 2007

Freeday Shopping

This freeday was fun because rather than being an annoying Scrooge, I spent my money. Lena, Moofy and I bought birthday presents for Vicki...AND
We went to the VanGaurd and found the Kurt Cobain Poster I have always wanted. I bought it. And we each bought a Nirnava T-shirt. They were 1500 yen each, but oh well, whatever. Nevermind. Hahaha ha.

May 14, 2007

If I could only find the words to say

Come dowsed in mud, soaked in bleach
As I want you to be
You're in my heart
You're above my bed

You're every part
of every thought
That fills my head
You're the man that's on my mind
You're so pretty
Oh well whatever, nevermind.
I hope you liked my ditty.

Can't get enough of you...enough of you
I just wanna say that I love you, I love you


I decided to write a story about last summer. If anyone has any memories that they would like me to include, please send me them. Also any input.
I hope to make it a series or something.

Lucky I

I got a double bed for my room!

One Weeks blah blah blah

This week's accomplishments:
1. I did lots of extra school and kept some of the kid's records ane helped make a portfolio for James.
2. Dad and I went on a follow-up to a guy (he's 20) and he said he would like to learn the Bible from me.
3. We had a night get out with the Homes around here and after that we saw the 40 Year-Old Virgin and Spirit.
4. For Mother's Day we invited Auntie Crystal's Home came (well, everyone but Steven, like always.)
5. I cleaned my room realy well and Uncle Gideon gave me a pair of shoes as a reward.
6. We cleaned our house real well and did repairs so that Johane and Lydia san can come. it took about 2 weeks, and they will only be here about 2 days, but the house looks really good.

May 6, 2007

A Nasty Evening

"We need chicken for dinner, but it's raining." Auntie Olivia says. "Can you go and get some?"
"Okay, I can take a bike...umbrella."

I made it to the store and bought the chicken without event. it was dark by the time I got on my bicycle. Immediately after I began to peddle, a strong gust of wind destroyed my umbrella. Ooops.

Now what to do? I couldn't take the umbrella home, and I couldn't very well leave it either, or another gust of wind would send it flying and kill someone. So I locked the umbrella to a pole. There was a group of maybe 5 17-18 year-old boys smiling and watching me intently. It was highly embarassing.

I thought maybe they rain and wind would die down. Fat chance. The wind only got stronger, and riding against it was so not easy. I must've looked like Freak #1 to everyone around me, since it was pouring in rain and I was drenched wet, all alone, and grinning like an idiot. Oh well, it's always better to be happy when you can.

May 5, 2007

To One Of The Sexiest Ladies I Know

Mimi you are strange. But you make other people feel comfortable.

It's getting boring to say this, but it must be fun to hear: Mimi, you are very pretty and sexy and fun.
I remember walking down the street with Mimi. For a moment I thought, "Wow, all the guys are staring at me." But of course, they were staring at you.
I swear, Mimi, you are so pretty, someday someone may accidently drive off a bridge while staring at you.

Mims is fun. Of a truth, I have always been a little jealous of your fun-ness, among other things. You and Elena both look like Catherine Zeta Jones (though not necessarily in this photo).

Like a Playboy model, you are sexy. Like Angel, you have huge boobs, which is really cool. Like a mommy, you are concerned about people. Like Jesus, you like to help people. And like nobody else, you are Mimi.

I love you lots Mimi! Have a happy birthday, and a good year.

Love always, Mariea

May 4, 2007

Moofy the Freak

Moofy says: "I was getting a taste of my favourite snack. --Plastic man. YUM!"

Happy Birthday Angelo

Today is a special day, because it is Golden Week, which only comes once a year for 3 days. ...Well, it's also Angelo's birthday. (He turned 15... like I said, everyone is getting so old!)
His invited all his Japanese friends from school to his party. (One other guy was half German half Japanese, like Angelo, only he speaks no English.) Angelo and JP tried rather unsuccessfully to teach them Mafia. Playing Old Maid with 15 people didn't work very well either. Can someone tell me why???
Well since it's his birthday I guess I should say what I like about Aneglo. Probably won't get around to it for the rest of the year. (Angelo, I hope you're not reading this.)
1) Angelo works hard, and he's rather responsible. ...
2) He's rather funny in his moments of brilliance. People actually laugh at his jokes, and not just HIM, which is good.
3) I can't find a third thing ... Well, I tried.

May 1, 2007

To My Friend Jane

Mary Jane Johnson, my very good friend.

Happy birthday, though it's a day late. (Isn't it annoying when people say "I know it's late but I still mean this so much..." blah blah blah... I think we're friends enough to know that much!)

I like you because

1) You can always make me laugh, even when nothing is funny but you. You know, like that time there were ants in the cooler box... Quote: "We've had years of experience".

2) Life is not boring with you... and if it is, you will dream up a crazy idea of something to do. (Like when we snuck out of the tent.)

3) You are so un-typical. You don't befriend people by saying the usual "You're so cute... you have such nice eyes... I really like your..." blah blah blah. And it's always nice when there's someone around who's got the balls to say what they really think, and you are that way.

4) Over the however-long I have known you, we have formed so many private jokes, I tried to make a dictionary out of it. I can't remember why I gave up. Maybe there were too many. Since meeting you so many words have taken on a new meaning.

April 28, 2007

Just Hope the Baby's Not His

Today I went to Jusco with James and I was in the foreign foods store, and I saw a sight to behold. --Something you never see on an ordinary Saturday. There the hot Jusco man was with his mom and dad. His mom was pushing a stroller, and he was carrying a baby. It's most likely his brother and I just hope the baby's not his son! I doubt it. Anyway his magic green shirt was a welcome change from that pink Jusco jacket I saw him in before. I swear I am gonna witness to him.

April 26, 2007

I Found Him

Moofy and Lena told me there's a hot guy at Jusco who's really shy, so I decided to witness to him. I have looked faithfully for him for about a month and never found him until yesterday, and he's hot. Witnessing to him might take a while... but it should be worth it.
Also, today on the way Home from get out a bird pooped on my arm.


April 24, 2007

The Epic Movie

Steven and Jp and I saw the Epic movie... it's funny. And Lucy is so cute.


Moofy looking a little dopey

April 22, 2007

Oh Yay.

Today my Dad's friend took us out to eat. Oh yay yay.

April 17, 2007


Me and Steven saw RV with JP and David... and Training Day. RV was good... sort of close to home in a weird way. (Patty, Mary Jane, if you have seen it, you might know what I mean...)
Oh yeah... today for freeday I went shopping and I won a soul.

April 12, 2007

April 11, 2007

Damn Damn Damn

Johnny Depp

Jude Law

Mel Gibson, my sexy Old Man

I love them all, but I love Kurt Cobain best. --For how he looks, for what he could do.


Hugh Grant--the Essence Of Class

Antonio Banderas

Colin Farrell

Rufus Sewell (just for you, Moofy)

Hugh Jackman, the sexiest beast

April 10, 2007

Nacho Libre

Me and Steven saw Nacho Libre. It was better than I had anticipated... .

April 8, 2007

Something I Saw

Peace I can’t find. I’m on the wrong track

I’m losing my mind, out of control. Is there no way back?

I feel sick in the soul and I’m about to crack.

I play hard and wish to party my problems away

And I pray no one notices my spirit’s decayed.

I’m only seeing dark and if this doesn’t pass

I’m gonna crash in the park and die on the grass.

There in the green I’d be relieved of the pain,

Not dangling in between, but totally insane.

To insanity it leads, this road I’m walking down

And with a spirit that bleeds, the body also drowns.

My addictions suck my lifeblood away in trade for a thrill.

And once I’m empty I’m back to the mud again, in I wade for a refill.

I can’t stand going through this over again and again.

You said You would help, will you do this?

Just tell me when, God, when?

Will I be happy if I put down my bitter knife that is my tongue?

…Let others into my life and stop wading in dung?

To protect myself I put up a wall

Between me and those who could have been my friends.

Now I haven’t any self-worth at all.

Shutting them out made me fall in the end.

To help other people I should have sought

But I locked myself in because I would not.

When I realized my error and discovered my fate

I saw a reason to live, but feared it too late.

Besides, I had nothing to give because I’m nothing great.

This lie in my mind overcame me with grief

And stole away my hope like some kind of thief.

It was either fight to be free or continue down this road

And finally jump off a tree from the strain of the load.

Fighting for anything was a painful thought,

But something had to give, like it or not.

It was in that moment that I remembered You

And that You’d promised to keep me and bring me though.

I didn’t really see how it would help

But I didn’t mind to try, as I’d tried everything else.

You amazed me. You did as You promised.

You made my life better and proved Yourself honest.

God please forgive me for thinking only of myself.

Help me think more of other and come out of my shell.

I never want to return to war with my mind

Or again have to learn it’s a living hell.

Choosing to forgive is choosing peace of mind.

I must continue to live and leave the past behind.

I may be simple, but I’m happy as I am.

Because I strive for better and give what I can.

In thinking of others, I forget about me.

In looking to You, I see accurately.

I’m finally free to live and to breathe

Because you have taught me that when I give I receive.

April 2, 2007


While I was at a bazaar I met a lady who managed clothing store . At the back of the store there were kimonos on display. I made friends with her and she said I could try them on for free. James. Looking so cute.


... .

Getting Married

My Dad was in Best Denki and he got a call from my sister. She told him she decided to marry her boyfriend! They talked about it for a little while and then she had to go. At the end of the call she said, "Bye Dad, April fool!"

March 19, 2007

Moofy's Done It Now

She's done it now! She cut off my rat tail. I was talking to Aiko and she came up from behind and, SNIP. All gone. And kind of crooked too. I was so angry I cried. I do not believe her. She's never been sorrier in her life, of course. But that doesn't take back my hair.
Hard as it was, I decided to forgive her for it. After all, her brattish victory was short-lived, because now she sorely regrets it. I feel most sorry for her in the end.

March 15, 2007


Steven chose a movie called Layercake. For those fortunate enough to never have seen it, don't. That's right. Never watch Layercake. Steven, I hold you responsible!
Moofy and I went shopping. Moofy has an April Fool's Day plan to snip my rat tail off.

March 7, 2007


Moofy looking so good.

60 Seconds

Well Sean, Steven and Angelo and I watched 60 seconds. And the some of Mr. Deeds and The Patriot. (Mel Gisbon is so good-looking! He's also a Capricorn...)
That was a funny night...

March 4, 2007


Yesterday Vicki and I went and got a haircut contact. We won 4 souls also. Today our 12 Stones student Toshihiko came over and we read the "The Lamp" with him. It's about having a balance and giving time to Jesus, and through doing that you can actually do more.

February 27, 2007

Sean Has Returned!

Aneglo, Steven, Sean and I watched "The Gladiator". Sean had never seen it! He cried at least twice, much to Steven's amusment. (OH NO!) It was a rather un-Gladiator atmosphere. We paused every ten or so minutes over nothing and it felt like we were watching a comedy (But I really WAS!) Must have been the pizza Angelo made. Or maybe the drinks. I think he mixed them. Or maybe it was just Angelo.

PS: Aneglo says the music at the end of Gladiator is exceptional. Steven and I didn't notice any difference between that music and that of the rest of the movie (but then again... it was always in contest with Steven's womanly laugh). Is there anyone who can tell me what's so special about it? Or is just Angelo again?

On Second Thoughts...

David made me think twice about kids. I thought, "Kids now may even me an improvement on what we were at their age, Patty." (He's a Sag, BTW.) This evening I went to his house for a movie and he did nothing short of attack me! He tried to wrestle me like a maniac! He even managed to get his older brother JP, a very small Aquarian 13-year-old, to join the fun. To think the child near had me hoodwinked.

February 26, 2007

Kids These Days

Kids these days... are actually not as bad as the saying would portray them to be. Steven's younger and cuter brother David knew I like Colin Farrell, so he brought me a photo and stickers of him, apologizing that he couldn't bring more. I was sick so he had to deliver it through the window, but it was definitely the thought that counts.

I Don't Know Why...

Isn't this a lovely photo.

January 27, 2007


Reading about JFK.



They are like angels...

They are courageous. Firemen are men of honor.


They have nice bodes.

I remember frequenting the firestation when I was 7 or 8 years old.I have liked firemen ever since my childhood. Nothing funny.Firemen fascinated me, although I didn't know why then. Now I do.

"Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friend."